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Birthright’s Western Wall Rescued
The uninsulated western wall of this beautiful old home occupied by Birthright of Columbia had suffered decades of direct sun exposure and was in dire need of insulation and new siding. Contractor Chad Hewett ( came to the rescue with professional...
From Our Current Newsletter
New Birthright Executive Director
The Birthright of Columbia Board of Directors announces the hiring of Mrs. Terry Hodaly as Birthright of Columbia Executive Director. She will succeed Hank Chardos, the 1980 founder, with his wife, Sally Chardos, of this chapter of Birthright International. Hank will...
About fifty volunteers showed up today to finish up some work at 1316 Richland St and move furnishings and supplies from Gregg St. to Richland St. I was absent due to illness so don't have any action photos, but if any participants send some to me, I will add them to...